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a look at this every single day there are different people from different countries in the world. they're able to catch real money on this website. you can
see here 80 dollars, 27 dollars 180 dollars, 45 dollars and they are literally pages and pages areal payment you
can see here and you can earn money just like that by simply watching videos on
twitch tv this platform. there are 15 million daily users every single day. they're gonna go on and watch different gameplays and browsing on different live streaming. basically this is how it works.step number one you're gonna go on to twitch tv. I'll show you how to do that and step two you have to click on the twitch video, I'll show you which video is gonna pay you the most amount of money and step
three you have to copy the link of the video which is very very simple and step
four you can start making money and boom as simple as that and you might be thinking how much money can you actually earn from this . take a look at this when
you're watching one a video you can earn about five us dollars when you're
watching for 10 videos you can earn 50 ,when you're watching for 50 videos you can
earn 250. in just a moment I'm gonna walk you through how to register and activate your free account. I'll show you which video is gonna pay you the most amount of
money. so that you can save your time and move on I'll show you a lot of
real-life examples.
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Now first of
all I want you to go on to google and search for twitch TV. as you can see here
now from there, you're gonna look for the first link right here and i
want you to click on this link and that's gonna bring you to this page. as you can
see here where you can find different videos that you can watch. let's go down
below there's a lot of live streaming as you can see here and different
categories of different kind of videos. right now very important I want you to pay full attention because I'm about to show you which video is going to pay you the most amount of money. so right there I want you to click on top right here you can
see browse click on this link on top and from right.
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there that's going to bring you to this page where you can find different categories of videos that you can watch
for example,, Minecraft among us just chatting and there's so many different channels and shows and TVs and gameplay that you can watch. so the number one
bonus tip that I want to share with you are to focus on Minecraft |
Youse. In |
all you got a do
just click on this picture or click on this link right here from there that's
gonna take you to this page as you can see here Minecraft and they have 33.7 million followers. that the number one reason why we're gonna focus on this
category because there are a lot of people there a lot of audiences actively
watching this category of videos every single day. so right now then let's go down below you can find three sections of live channels videos and clips, and I want you to click on live channels. now when you scroll down below you're able to find
different videos. but one thing I want you to notice is that on the top left corner
of the video, you can see here live now, take a look at this there's a live tag on
top of the video. now very important for you to watch on the live video because
that's gonna help you to earn the most amount of money. so say for example when i click on this video that's gonna take me to this page as you can see here where I can
start watching the live streaming. so when you scroll down below this video, you're
gonna look for this small little icon right here. of course, you can browse on this
website using a phone or computer and I want you to comment down below and let me
know what type of devices are using to use a phone-computer android phone or
iPhone. so from there I want you to go and click on this button right here, which
are share and that's gonna open up this little box right here, where you can share
this video on Twitter Facebook, Vk, Reddit embed or copy the URL link. so right now I want you to go and click on this purple buttons right here to copy the URL link of
the video moving on to the next step. I want you to follow every step on this content because I want to make sure that you can actually make money. what I want you to do is to copy the URL links of the three videos. so this is actually the first video that we found and then we just click on this button right here to copy the
link and then you can just open up a note pad or open up whatever a blank document. then we can actually paste the link that we're gonna use in just a moment. so as you
can see here
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I'll paste the link of the first video right here right now we're
gonna repeat the same step by finding another two more videos. say for example
when I click on this video right here and once again that's going to bring me to
this page where I can start watching the video. but again we just want to click on
this share button and click on the copy URL link. then we're going to go back to our notepad and we're going to paste the second link right here and moving on. we're
gonna come back to this page. now when this goes down below we're just gonna look
for the third live streaming video. so I'll just go ahead and click on this video. that's gonna bring me to this page as you can see here and just repeat the same
step. I want you to click on this button copy the URL link. we're gonna paste the
URL link of the third video right there. so right now you successfully completed step
number one. I'll just repeat once again. so that you actually understand everything
now first off. we go on to twitch tv and we click on the browse button right here. we choose on the Minecraft category and then we're gonna open up three videos which is showing live streaming on top and all we do is just copy the URL link of the
video and then we're gonna paste it. somewhere so that we can find it later. so
that's that number one. if you're still following I want you to comment down below and let me know I understand step one moving on to
I want you to go on to the second website which is .so i
just want to make it clear that I'm not receiving any sponsorship affiliated commission on anything. right I'm just sharing this opportunity to try to help you
out to make some extra money online. basically on you're able to shorten your links and able to earn money online and they pay some of the highest rates in
the industry. they're very reliable and trustworthy. so say for example when i
Click on this button right here to shorten the link that's gonna open up this box
right here.
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where I can shorten the long URL link. so right there I'll just put in
the link that I just copied from the video. just now and all I gotta do just click
on the submit button right here. this website will automatically help us to shorten the long URL link of the twitch tv into a much shorter link as you can see here as you can see here this is the shortened link right there every single time. when people click on this link we can earn different amount of money real quick I want to show the payout rate when people click on your
shortened link says for example
when people from Canada when they click on the shortened link you're able to learn four dollars and fifty cents say for example, people from Sweden. when they click on your link you're able to earn two dollars
and say for example people from us when they click on your link you'll earn
one dollar and sixty cents. now don't worry this opportunity is available worldwide. it doesn't matter what country you're coming from you can make money on this website .it is just that depending on what people are clicking on your link going
to earn different amount of money. so right now very important I want to show you
how to sign up for a free account. all you got to do just click on this button on top which is sign up and that's gonna take you to this page.
as you can see here where you can sign up for a free account just put in your username, your email address, your password, confirm your password and click on this. I'm not a robot and sign up for a free account. so I've just successfully signed up for a brand new account alongside you. so that I can show everything starting from scratch. now once
you're able to login into your account. you're able to see on your dashboard and you can
see how many visits you're getting. right how many clicks you're getting and what
are your monthly earnings. as you can see here and what's your rate and what your available earnings and also all the stats below once you start getting people to click on your link. now very important in just a moment I'll show you everything all the examples all the templates. I'll walk you through a lot of bonus tips at the end of this content. but first of all, I want you to go ahead and click on this button on top which is a new shorthand link that's gonna open up these boxes. you can see
here where you can just copy and paste the twitch tv link into this box and click
on the submit button. right now we're gonna pull up the notepad of all the links. that we just got in just now this is the first link of the video we'll just have
to copy this thing. right here click on copy and then we're gonna paste the link
right there into this box and click on the submit button. so right now I want you
to go and copy this link and click on this button right here and then we are just
going to keep it somewhere. as you can see here now this is the first shortened link moving on we're going to repeat the same step on the second video. we'll just have to copy the link of the second video that we just get now click on this
red button and we're just gonna paste the link right there and clicks on the
submit button and once again this will automatically help us to shorten the
second link and I want you to copy this link right here and then we can just put
it somewhere. so in thiscase, I put it into my notepad which we are gonna use in just a moment finally, we're gonna go on to the third video just copy this thing right here click on copy and then we go back to and paste the
link right there and click on submit. now, this is the third shortened link that we get just copy this one and I just put it into my notepad. now you have successfully shortened the three links. that we have just gotten just now from the twitch tv and this
is the three URL link that you just shortened. so right now I want you to click on
this button on the left side is links and this is where you can find the
three links that you just successfully shortened. as you can see here right there
on top of the red colour this is a shortened link on this website. at the bottom, this is the real link of the twitch tv you can see the date you successfully created that and what's the views how many clicks you're getting and how much earning you
are getting right there. so the first thing that you can do. that you can
actually share this link on your Facebook, Twitter or Google account. now you can
of course,, share this with your friends or your groups and getting a few clicks
here and there but that's not gonna make you a lot of money. right now what I want you to do is to actually go on to a forum.
which is the GameSpot forum under the
specific Minecraft category as you can see here basically on this forum you can
find different gameplays people are discussing these games right there so many posts people are getting a lot of views on this website one thing is that
there are very few people that focus on the Minecraft category and that's
where you and I as a complete beginner were able to get a lot of of of clicks on this
website so right now I just want to show you one example when I click on the
first,, post right here and that's going to take me to this page you can see here
that's the title of the post and this is created by this guy right there there's a username and from there you can see that actually a video that's actually shared by this guy on this forum and he's getting hundreds and hundreds of views
as you can see here and you can do exactly the same thing all you got to do just
Share this short on a link on the forum and you're able to get so many targeted people that are interested in Minecraft live streaming.
so right now as a bonus tip I want to share with you my copy and paste template. that you can use now basically there are two strategies for sharing the link on the forum you can
either reply to a post or you can create your own new post. so say for example the
post that created by this guy you can actually reply to this post as a comment
this right there is working incredibly well. you're gonna get so many people clicking on your link. so you're gonna say something like this just wanna ask
where you guys usually watch live streaming any suggestions for me. I'm usually watching from twitch like this one, you can share your link right there and better
suggestion. thanks and the reason why this is so powerful because you're not pushy
at all, you're just being very normal and very naturally. you're incorporating a
link into your sentences and in fact, you're just asking for a suggestion and you
are telling them this is actually what you're using. right now to watch live streaming and if you make it sound. so natural like this one you're not gonna get
banned you're not gonna get removed from the forum moving on to the second strategy where you're gonna create your own new posts as you can see here just
found something really interesting here for the latest update of Minecraft has anyone heard this update yet we're gonna just put in your link right there so all
you gotta do is you can just copy this right here click on copy and then all you gotta do is you can just paste your CPM link right there this is your shortening link very simple this is a true strategy that's working so well right now and
that's exactly how all of these people are here they're able to make so much money right there by simply shorten the URL link of a if you think that
today's method is too difficult or you want something else that's much easier to make money online.
If have any doubts, please let me know